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September 17, 2015

Stress is a part of our everyday. Sometimes we need to soothe our senses and clear our minds with the help of a little aromatherapy. 

Our coconut and mango, green tea and cucumber or snow capped candles are beautifully crafted for ultimate relaxation. They can help to create a calming atmosphere in your quiet place.

A warm bath to melt away your stress is a great start. Ensure that the water is warm enough to relax your tense muscles. Maybe add some bubbles or bath salts to complement your aromatherapy.

Light a few scented candles and focus your attention on one of the mesmerising flames. This will clear your mind and focus your senses.

Now gently close your eyes and turn your attention to your breathing. Inhale and exhale slowly to the count of three. If your mind begins to wander, let the stray thoughts flow out of your mind with each breath.

Relax and sink down into the bath as your body lets go of all your daily stresses.

Candles can be used in harmony with something that you already do to relieve stress, like taking a relaxing bath. But if you read books to relax yourself, set up candles next to you to enjoy the calming benefits of aromatherapy while you read.

You might even find that aromatherapy alleviates the stress of tasks that you might not enjoy, such as paperwork. 

Or if you use relaxation techniques such as Yoga, Tai Chi or Meditation you might want to burn a candle to help enhance stress relief. 

It's about finding what works for you.

Happy de-stress, 

Milly & Eugene XX


Endless Summer
Endless Summer

February 19, 2019

It’s hard to believe that the end of summer is nearly upon us and the crisp cool autumn mornings will soon be here. Don’t we all love summer.  

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February 05, 2019

When thinking about home interiors, like me, you might cringe at the memory of your childhood home. The best version of our family home was new green carpet and a black high-backed vinyl lounge with orange nylon-cushioned seating. My mother was proud of her modern choices and teamed up the “mod look” with a teak extender dining table and a sliding-door settee.The bright green kitchen cupboards and red laminex kitchen table and chairs were all part of the ‘70’s look.

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January 30, 2019

When we married and had our first child, forty years ago, our search began in earnest, for a home; somewhere to raise our family. In those days, it wasn’t unusual to seek out houses for sale in the classified adds of the Sydney newspaper. And that was how we came across our first home. Situated at the bottom of a hill, looking north over the southern headland of Coogee, we loved it the minute we saw it. It wasn’t grand, with one and a half bedrooms and a tiny kitchen and bathroom, but it was perfect for us.  And I remember thinking that I would never again wish for anything more in my life. Well, that noble thought didn’t last long, because over the next five years two more babies came along and we needed more rooms, more space.

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