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Competition Time

August 01, 2013

WOW! No words... we are totally, utterly, completely overwhelmed by the reaction we've had to our very first competition. Hailey and I launched our online home wares just shy of a month and wanted to give all of our friends that, like, comment and follow our posts on instagram and Facebook, a massive thank you for the support you've shown in such a short time. So talking yesterday, we thought why not give away something beautiful!


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Spring Trends 2013

July 26, 2013

Well the chill of winter has finally set in. As I sit, in bed, under my doona in my warm winter woolies, I can’t help but think that Spring is just around the corner. Spring is such a lovely time of year, when the stillness of winter bursts to life with warmth and vibrancy. It seems to bring a sense of hope, new life, and fresh starts.  For me Spring is best represented through gorgeous bright colours, so it’s time for a big ‘Spring clean’ of our home and to add some splashes of colour. 

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