It's alway a fun day when it's shoot day at Milly and Eugene. We have had a bit of practice with them now, so we know the drill. Our morning started at 8.30am, to get in early, making use of the beautiful natural light, in our go to studio (aka window ledge in Hailey's house).
We have always been big fans of the Real Living Magazine and as subscribers from way back we always wait eagerly for that monthly delivery. That little run to the letterbox was even more worth it this time, as hidden between the pages is a little Milly and Eugene gem. We could not believe after such a short time of launching our site, being asked to be a part of the Real Living September issue. This months addition features our lovely little 20cm neon orange Buddha.
WOW! No words... we are totally, utterly, completely overwhelmed by the reaction we've had to our very first competition. Hailey and I launched our online home wares just shy of a month and wanted to give all of our friends that, like, comment and follow our posts on instagram and Facebook, a massive thank you for the support you've shown in such a short time. So talking yesterday, we thought why not give away something beautiful!
Well the chill of winter has finally set in. As I sit, in bed, under my doona in my warm winter woolies, I can’t help but think that Spring is just around the corner. Spring is such a lovely time of year, when the stillness of winter bursts to life with warmth and vibrancy. It seems to bring a sense of hope, new life, and fresh starts. For me Spring is best represented through gorgeous bright colours, so it’s time for a big ‘Spring clean’ of our home and to add some splashes of colour.
Deciding on the perfect business name is a hard task. The difficultly for us was, not only getting everyone involved to agree on the name, but making it have a fun, young and playful vibe.
Growing up in a family of three kids leaves you with many childhood memories. And a lot of inspiration to draw upon when it comes to brain storming new business names.
With the launch of our website earlier this week, I though it would be the perfect time to showcase one of our beautiful products in the blog.
It seems our peacock chairs get a lot of lovin' when it comes to any Facebook or Instagram posts, and it's not hard to see why. They are strikingly beautiful, a real feature. People talk a lot about feature pieces, that don't necessarily demand attention. I can tell you, when friends and family walk into the room and see our peacock chairs, the over joyed 'ooohing' and 'ahhhing' from them, never gets old.
Lee Jake Mariano Photography is some of the most beautiful, artistic work you will ever see. We maybe a little bias in judgment, because he is our official go to guy. But his work truly inspires us.
Not super selective about his subject, though scrolling through his tumblr, his work features a lot of people, Lee’s photographs have an aura that screams simplistic beauty. He is able to capture a mood that translates through the image, and puts you there, as if you were part of the scene.
We love sharing beautifully crafted finds over at Milly and Eugene, so when a good friend, who is always ahead of the trend, decides to create, design and produce her very own line of crystal and clear quartz stones bound by silver and brass, we can't help but shout it from the hills.
Krystle’s crystals, pardon the pun, are not only crafted pieces of wearable art, but they also promote healing and health, through her careful selection of precious stones.
It seems bloggers these days have all the fun, be it fashion, interiors, food, even travel. If you’re a blogger, and a good one at that, you my friend are hot property.
For some of you, that live in a small black hole called reality, its time to get busy living. And to do this, is by social media. Bloggers have created there own demand using the fabulous world wide web, and the wonderful programs that exist in it, like facebook, twitter, instgram, kiik, the list goes on…
We love Bali, it was one of the major factors for inspiration to start Milly and Eugene. Bali is, among other countries in the Asia pacific area, where we source some of our great product and it’s no wonder.
Bali is not the cheap, bogan tropical holiday it once was, though there are still some aspects of bintang singlet’s and all bearing beer bellies, displayed to the locals and tourist alike.